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Anna’s Blog Roll

Chavos News Animals Anna's Blog Roll

Child Protection

Anna questions the necessity of COVID-19 vaccines for children, expressing concerns about risks, financial interests, lack of evidence, and potential long-term harm. She urges parents to research and reconsider vaccination decisions.

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Sharon House Publishing School Visits Chavos News

Elizabeth R

Anna reflects on the unexpected passing of the Queen, remembering joyful moments and personal connections. She anticipates discussing bereavement during school visits and offers a prayer for the new King.

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Inspiration School Visits Chavos News

Nuggets of Wisdom

  It’s ages since I did an inspirational blog, and as my personality leads me to be an encourager, I had the idea to do an Inspirational A – Z. […]

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Anna's Blog Roll Chavos News Animals

A letter from the Palace

Thought I ought to post a copy of my letters from the Palace! It’s a little late now – event over – but it’s not every day that an envelope […]

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Chavosing Animals School Visits

Bug Bolognaise or Caterpillar Curry?

I was going to do a blog about faddy eaters thinking how difficult it can be to maintain a healthy diet when our children won’t eat this and that. By […]

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Chavosing Short Stories & Poems Sharon House Publishing

Write, draw, doodle.

Let’s write, draw, scribble, or doodle. I suggest there is nothing better or more therapeutic than putting our thoughts on paper. Journaling is something which I advocate for all. Yes […]

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Chavosing Sharon House Publishing Anna's Blog Roll

To jab or not to jab?

Do we jab our children? Time waits for no man, and there has recently been a huge outpouring of revelations and a surge of authentic medical evidence concerning the negative […]

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Animals Inspiration Short Stories & Poems

Children’s picture books

My last blog I chatted about covid vaccines for children so now on a lighter subject, back to literature. I am thrilled to announce that another picture book in the […]

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Childcare Matters Inspiration Chavos News


The dictionary definition tells us the meaning of the word is to delay in doing something, to put off, think about it too long, even be lazy.Well, there’s some truth […]

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