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School Visits

Childcare Matters Anna's Blog Roll Sharon House Publishing

What’s next?

Just thinking about my agenda for the next couple of months and it’s packed. I don’t put much information on my online calendar for security purposes.It’s not a sensible idea […]

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Chavosing Animals Chavos News

First school visit of 2020

Just wanted to comment on a recent school visit to Grimsby, working with year 5 and 6, probably my favourite age group.What a fabulous day – great teachers and lovely […]

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Inspiration Animals Inspiring Costa Kids

Old school visits

August is a great time to re-group, organise, plan and of course have a holiday.I have to say it has been a very therapeutic month for me, having had a […]

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Inspiration Inspiring Costa Kids Anna's Blog Roll

Able Writer’s Day

Someone asked me what I do on my Able Writers’ Days. In answering, I thought of what I would like to do differently given the opportunity. Having worked with some […]

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Chavosing Inspiration Childcare Matters

The School Run!

Just completed another 2 school visits in Scarborough and Lincoln. It would have been nice to have a walk along the sea front and a mooch around the city of […]

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Inspiring Costa Kids Chavosing Sharon House Publishing

Worksop Schools

Another fab school visit. Thank you Norbridge Academy for hosting with children from 4 other schools in the area. What a great day we all had. Thank you for some […]

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Childcare Matters Chavos News Anna's Blog Roll

Able Writers’ day at The Green Way Academy

My first Able Writers’ day of 2019 was a great success. Thank you to my host school – The Green Way Academy, Hull. I thoroughly enjoyed my time there and […]

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Inspiration School Visits Animals

New School Visits page

I have created a new page for – called School Visits. Before I begin again in 2019 , and before I post anything else on the page, take a […]

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