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Animals School Visits Chavosing

Nuggets of Wisdom

  It’s ages since I did an inspirational blog, and as my personality leads me to be an encourager, I had the idea to do an Inspirational A – Z. […]

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Short Stories & Poems Inspiring Costa Kids Chavosing

What Inspires You?

What Inspires you?   A question that I ask the children in my creative writing workshop. Some of the answers are awesome. Others quite simple but so beautiful. Like the […]

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Inspiring Costa Kids Chavosing Animals

Surprises are not always good!

  Sometimes we just need to write. One of my favourite expressions is;- it empties the thoughts from my head. Writing gives us the opportunity to share great experiences, offer […]

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Sharon House Publishing Childcare Matters Inspiring Costa Kids


Now that’s what I call determination. How many times did Thomas Edison attempt to create the light bulb before he finally succeeded? Oh only 10,000 I’m told! Thomas Edison’s view […]

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Inspiration Sharon House Publishing Anna's Blog Roll

A little encouragement…

I wanted to write something to inspire and encourage those creative people out there who feel they are stuck, going nowhere.   I suppose it’s something like drilling for oil. […]

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Inspiring Costa Kids Childcare Matters Animals

A Letter to God

As written in my journal in the city Cathedral whilst in Bologna on 1st April 2011.  13.00. If you don’t believe and don’t want to read my letter to God, […]

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Chavosing Inspiring Costa Kids Anna's Blog Roll

My Friend Dee – Special Commendation!

I am pleased to announce that ‘My Friend Dee’ has been awarded a Special Commendation by the Eleventh International Short Story Contest!  Winners can be viewed here! readers […]

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