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Chavos News

Anna's Blog Roll Chavosing Childcare Matters

School visits 2019

Looking forward to 2019 and working with Authors Abroad on the Able Writers’ Programme once again. Yes, I have recently decided to do some more school visits. I certainly don’t […]

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Inspiration Anna's Blog Roll Chavosing

Inspiring Costa Kids Writing Competition 2018 – Paragraph leads

2018 Entry paragraph leads…. Choose from one of the following paragraphs to build your story. Write between 500-800 words not including the lead paragraph. Para 1) Winding his way through […]

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Animals Inspiration Chavos News

Celebration Surprise! Surprise!

  O.K. Tonight is the night. Woop woop! We will be meeting at our venue in Marbella to celebrate with the winners of our 2017 competition. Afterwards, yes when we […]

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School Visits Animals Sharon House Publishing

Why school visits?

It’s been a long time since I did any school visits. I suppose it’s like eating chocolate, we can get too much of the stuff, overdose and need a break. […]

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Animals Anna's Blog Roll Inspiration

Terms and Conditions #inspiringcostakids competition

Terms and Conditions Kids on the Costa Writing Competition 2017 #inspiringcostakids 26th May 2017.       This competition is organised by Sharon House Publishing Ltd (UK Registered company 4840060) […]

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Sharon House Publishing Animals Anna's Blog Roll

Lead paragraphs #inspiringcostakids

Kids   These are your leading paragraphs for the competition. Remember between 500-800 words excluding the lead paragraph.   Good Luck Anna       Para 1) It was nearly […]

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Anna's Blog Roll Inspiring Costa Kids Short Stories & Poems

Rianbo’s Travels Launch Party

Why do I blog? Well it empties the thoughts from my head, that’s why. That, and of course making lists. I love making lists and ticking things off when they […]

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Childcare Matters Short Stories & Poems Chavosing

Chavos: The Musical

Chavos: The Musical   Life isn’t easy and I wanted to start this blog with a few of my favourite expressions. I tweet them from time to time and hope […]

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Animals Chavosing Sharon House Publishing

To live, or die.

We all know this past weekend was the Easter weekend in the Christian calendar. A time when we think about the real meaning of Easter and hopefully not just chocolate. […]

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