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Chavos News

Animals Chavosing Sharon House Publishing

The spice of life

Well they say variety is the spice of life and this next couple of weeks I’m certainly going to have plenty of that. Firstly I was looking forward to dancing […]

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Inspiration Animals Childcare Matters

A vision birthed

Sharon House Publishing was founded primarily to publish; Chavos – The Kids of Distrito Federal and ultimately to develop the company as a respected publishing house of children’s books. Initially, […]

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Inspiration Short Stories & Poems Inspiring Costa Kids

S-o-o-o busy!

      Nice one! Been s-o-o-o busy this weekend but on the last edit for Pablo’s Diary and then on to Marisol’s Agenda. Whoop! whoop! Can’t wait for publication. […]

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Sharon House Publishing Anna's Blog Roll Childcare Matters

Our comfort zone

In my blog on the 19th August I was talking about comfort zones and stepping out into the unknown and here I go again. After my recent vacation in Spain […]

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Short Stories & Poems Inspiration Chavosing

Rest & relaxation

I suddenly realised that I hadn’t had a holiday this year. Well big deal, I suppose lots of people would say, ‘cos not everyone can afford such a luxury, and […]

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Short Stories & Poems Sharon House Publishing Inspiration

Back to school…

Back to school in a few days and you hear us all saying, ‘I can’t believeI it’s September already. It will be Christmas soon!’ Not to mention the children are […]

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Childcare Matters Chavos News Anna's Blog Roll


Well I have to admit I haven’t visited any schools recently but I’m planning a few for September and something tells me I’ve done more than most authors. Apologies to […]

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Chavosing Inspiring Costa Kids Anna's Blog Roll

Chavos Musical

Just a quick update about the Chavos Musical. For all you musical theatre buffs, Chavos is developing nicely. Pre-production is going well and all scenes are planned, dialogue sorted and, […]

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Chavos News Short Stories & Poems Anna's Blog Roll

Frankfurt Book Fair 2014

It’s going to be an exciting year and Anna is looking forward to exhibiting her work at the Frankfurt Book Fair in the autumn. Watch this space!

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