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Childcare Matters

Sharon House Publishing Chavosing Inspiration

Rianbo’s Travels

Who is our favourite travelling doll? Rianbo, of course. Here is a short extract from one of our picture books; –   Rianbo is a very special doll. She is […]

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Animals Sharon House Publishing Childcare Matters

Child Health Matters

Anna, an experienced childcare professional, raises concerns about the increasing prevalence of autism and special educational needs in children, questioning the role of vaccines and advocating for research into dietary factors.

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Animals Chavos News School Visits

Child Protection

Anna questions the necessity of COVID-19 vaccines for children, expressing concerns about risks, financial interests, lack of evidence, and potential long-term harm. She urges parents to research and reconsider vaccination decisions.

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Inspiration Short Stories & Poems Chavosing

To jab or not to jab?

Do we jab our children? Time waits for no man, and there has recently been a huge outpouring of revelations and a surge of authentic medical evidence concerning the negative […]

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Childcare Matters School Visits Inspiring Costa Kids


The dictionary definition tells us the meaning of the word is to delay in doing something, to put off, think about it too long, even be lazy.Well, there’s some truth […]

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Anna's Blog Roll School Visits Childcare Matters

Cell phones

Do you feel like me? Concerned about the amount of time our children and grandchildren are spending on cell phones. So what are we doing about it? Too many of […]

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Inspiration Chavos News Chavosing

Separation Issues

I remember the days when my children were very young and I was considering separation from their father. My agonising thoughts were how will this affect them and could I […]

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Short Stories & Poems Inspiring Costa Kids School Visits


I was thinking about immunisation today and particularly in regard to children. I suppose it was highlighted when local schools sent notifications out recently about the HPV vaccine (Human Papilloma […]

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Animals Anna's Blog Roll School Visits

Managing behaviour

Today I walked through the nursery to see – as I often do – one young child very proudly wearing his Superstar Medal. Later I collected my own little granddaughter […]

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