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Old school visits

August 9, 2019

August is a great time to re-group, organise, plan and of course have a holiday.
I have to say it has been a very therapeutic month for me, having had a great clear out in the office and redecorated.
Looking great with no clutter and totally organised. Long overdue!

Meanwhile, clearing out is always good for the soul and quite encouraging.

I found a batch of old school book reviews from 2012 which was great fun to read. Especially one 10 year old who wrote,’ I normally like books with monsters, but I thought I might read a book that’s different and it was good.’
Bearing in mind these children, about 12 of them in all read Chavos 1.
One 10 year old girl talked about the book ending on a cliff-hanger which she went on to explain. I wonder if she ever read Chavos 2?
Bless her, she will be about 19 years of age now.
It doesn’t bear thinking about. Time waits for no man!

On that note. Looking forward to the new academic year.


Chat soon.