AnnaMcKann Menu


Chavosing Inspiration Inspiring Costa Kids

Rest & relaxation

I suddenly realised that I hadn’t had a holiday this year. Well big deal, I suppose lots of people would say, ‘cos not everyone can afford such a luxury, and […]

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Inspiring Costa Kids Sharon House Publishing Anna's Blog Roll


Well I have to admit I haven’t visited any schools recently but I’m planning a few for September and something tells me I’ve done more than most authors. Apologies to […]

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Inspiring Costa Kids Chavos News Animals

Chavos Musical

Just a quick update about the Chavos Musical. For all you musical theatre buffs, Chavos is developing nicely. Pre-production is going well and all scenes are planned, dialogue sorted and, […]

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Animals Inspiring Costa Kids Short Stories & Poems

3rd Chavos Ball

I have to admit each year it has surpassed all expectations and, a huge thank you to Oaxaca Taste and Amathus Drinks for making it extra special this time. It […]

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School Visits Inspiration Anna's Blog Roll

Kings Cross-return

Well that has to be one of the quickest visits to London I’ve ever made, but then I suppose there are plenty of people doing a quick return. Usually I […]

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Childcare Matters Chavos News Inspiration


If you have read my last couple of blogs you will see I have been answering some of the questions people most regularly ask me, but primarily I am talking […]

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Short Stories & Poems Inspiration Animals

What are your plans for the future?

    So, this heat wave continues in the UK and you either love it or hate it. Funny that’s what I say about Mexico City! And with that thought […]

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Childcare Matters Short Stories & Poems School Visits

When do you write? Where? How do you write?

Much asked questions;- But I seem to do most of my brain-storming in public places, particularly when I’m travelling, out and about, and people watching.  Folk don’t know that I’m […]

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Inspiring Costa Kids Short Stories & Poems Sharon House Publishing


I’ve gone away for a few days to finish some long overdue writing, simply because it’s impossible to write at home amongst the mayhem and craziness of my very busy […]

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