AnnaMcKann Menu


Anna's Blog Roll Short Stories & Poems Sharon House Publishing

‘Bookie chat’

If you read my blog on 14th April you will notice I said more ‘bookie chat’ later. Well, I had hoped to blog every day at the book fair but […]

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Chavos News Inspiring Costa Kids Inspiration


Well that’s it, I’m officially there. The London Book Fair and Sharon House has it’s first exhibition stand. If all goes well it will be Frankfurt in October. So this […]

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Inspiration Anna's Blog Roll Childcare Matters

A vision realised

I’m writing this blog on the train but by the time you read it I will be in London probably muttering to myself the very words that I said at […]

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Inspiring Costa Kids Sharon House Publishing School Visits

To live, or die.

We all know this past weekend was the Easter weekend in the Christian calendar. A time when we think about the real meaning of Easter and hopefully not just chocolate. […]

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Sharon House Publishing Anna's Blog Roll School Visits

The spice of life

Well they say variety is the spice of life and this next couple of weeks I’m certainly going to have plenty of that. Firstly I was looking forward to dancing […]

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Sharon House Publishing Childcare Matters Chavosing

A vision birthed

Sharon House Publishing was founded primarily to publish; Chavos – The Kids of Distrito Federal and ultimately to develop the company as a respected publishing house of children’s books. Initially, […]

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Childcare Matters School Visits Inspiration


Thanks to UKTI for our free networking event at Harrogate last week. With the buzz of the stock market and the atmosphere of a speed dating challenge, neither of which […]

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Childcare Matters Sharon House Publishing Animals

S-o-o-o busy!

      Nice one! Been s-o-o-o busy this weekend but on the last edit for Pablo’s Diary and then on to Marisol’s Agenda. Whoop! whoop! Can’t wait for publication. […]

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Anna's Blog Roll Short Stories & Poems Animals

Why blog?

Chatting to an old friend yesterday who said he enjoyed reading my blogs I realised I hadn’t done one for a while, but more than anything I began to think […]

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