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Sharon House Publishing

Chavosing Animals School Visits

Dolita’s Christmas

“What is Christmas all about?” thought Dolita, as she wandered the streets. The date the 16th December, the beginning of the festivities. Nine consecutive days of candlelight posadas centred around […]

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School Visits Sharon House Publishing Inspiration

Time flies!

It’s rapidly coming to the end of 2016 and once again I find it quite daunting as I am faced with the fact that another year has gone by. Did […]

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Inspiring Costa Kids Sharon House Publishing Animals

Story time

Let’s start with the young child and the picture book which is actually critical in the role of a child’s development. Books are so precious and in many ways provide […]

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Short Stories & Poems School Visits Animals

It’s a writer’s life!

I was sitting quietly wondering whether I felt in the mood to start writing and in actual fact I found myself writing the following.     Well I always did […]

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Animals School Visits Anna's Blog Roll


So here’s a note to all those writers out there. Ever dreamed about being discovered? Of course you/we have! Will someone notice your writing and offer you that amazing life […]

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Inspiring Costa Kids Inspiration Chavosing

Party Time

When this blog goes live it will be celebration day. My birthday, my parents 60th wedding anniversary, a book launch and more. It’s been a tough six months with so […]

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Chavosing School Visits Inspiring Costa Kids

Rianbo’s Travels Launch Party

Why do I blog? Well it empties the thoughts from my head, that’s why. That, and of course making lists. I love making lists and ticking things off when they […]

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Animals Inspiration Chavosing

My Friend Dee – Special Commendation!

I am pleased to announce that ‘My Friend Dee’ has been awarded a Special Commendation by the Eleventh International Short Story Contest!  Winners can be viewed here! readers […]

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Short Stories & Poems School Visits Chavos News

Writing Competition Update

Here’s a quick news update from Sharon House Publishing. A winner has been chosen from our first writing competition and details will be published shortly. Also, we have three fabulous […]

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