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Mrs Doubtfire

May 1, 2024

If you fancy a trip to the theatre, Mrs Doubtfire showing at the Shaftesbury in the West End is one to be recommended. A birthday treat for one of my granddaughters, and off we went repeating the fun day we enjoyed on her previous birthday when we experienced the production Matilda.

So, in typical Nanny style a train from Yorkshire to Kings Cross, a meander around Covent Garden after a fun drive in a traditional London cab, and off to the theatre. A fabulous day making memories, and in my opinion one of the best shows I have seen. And I’ve seen plenty!

Based on the iconic 1993 movie, Gabriel Vick – lead character – is talented beyond measure and plays Mrs Doubtfire excellently. You probably know the storyline, a messy divorce and a father searching for ideas to see his children. Yes, he applies for the position of nanny! Those speedy costume and identity changes, just add to the humour.

Talent, plenty of it, laughter in abundance. We left feeling good, plenty of dopamine in the system and that is what we all need, with the problems and challenges that life seems to constantly throw in our direction. I was reading on the train about the huge numbers of primary aged children waiting for assessment with CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) these days.

When an 11-year-old is self-harming and a 13-year-old brandishing a knife, society has major problems. We all need to lighten up, escape to the countryside, take up a sport or in this case a visit to the theatre and have some fun. It begins with the parents and indeed the grandparents. We older ones have so much to offer, of that, I’m sure.

Laughter is good for the soul, and there was plenty of that at the Shaftesbury.

Indeed, the day out was costly. A train journey, lunch, and dinner. Theatres tickets, taxis and treats. But will I be doing it again? Hopefully on the next birthday, though admittedly it does seem a long time to wait!

Clearly not everyone can afford a trip to the theatre so let’s be inventive and see what else can be done to bring joy into our children’s lives.

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