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Irritating people…

December 16, 2014

Irritating people, yes we all know some of them but what most irritates you?
For the most part I am a very chilled out person and have the ability to let things go over my head. To be in the world but not of it, if you know what I mean.
That said, some of the annoying little things that irritated me in the last couple of days whilst travelling were.

• Having to listen to other people’s conversations on mobiles phones ‘cos they didn’t know the meaning of speaking quietly and having respect for others.
• People who don’t discipline their children and teach them good manners.
• A man who will sit there and allow you to buy his coffee. Did I say that? Yes and I mean it. I prefer a gentleman myself!
• Someone who is eager to criticise others and make judgements about them without even meeting them.
• Greedy people. It’s a buffett so they just have to pile those plates up to ridiculous levels, now don’t they!
Yes, I met them all this weekend but I also met some absolutely fabulous people as well.
Just wanted to have that grouch. And whilst typing this blog he’s still on the mobile. One hour now, just shut up will you.

Chat to you soon.