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Still Chavosing!

April 25, 2012

Still Chavosing!

31 March 2011 12:00AM


Actually, I think I will always be Chavosing from now on. My life to be!

 Yesterday was another interesting day in this beautiful city. But, believe it or not, I am ready for home now. Where is home? Uhm! Home is where the heart is and I wanna  get back to my family now. Can’t believe I just said that. Ha! Ha! I have exhausted the city, exhausted the book fair; which finishes to day anyway. And exhausted me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seemingly as my flight was booked months ago, and was cheap. I am stuck here. Can’t believe it. Over 1000 euros to fly back to Manchester this week. Yes that is not a typo. I repeat 1000. One thousand – unbelievable!  Airlines cashing in on the book fair I suppose. So, as I paid less than 200 euros return, many months ago, seems I am here till Saturday. O.k. What’s the plan?  Write, of course. Stupid question. And see who else I bump into today. Sitting around in these open air cafe bars leads to conversations with the most interesting of people. Speaking of which. I had dinner last night with a publisher from Scotland. What an inspirational evening. I am encouraged yet again.  After two glasses of red wine,  a lovely cocktail, and of course a very tiring day; I still couldn’t sleep. Well actually, I tell a lie. I slept for two hours and then was sauntering around the room at  2 am,  planning a new series of books for my chiquitos. 

( That’s the pre-schoolers for those of you who don’t understand any Spanish.) Brill, that done and back to sleep. Drrrr… Not so. Awake again. Now writing for my 5-9 years.

What has Bologna done to me? I have become a writing machine. Now, I am writing this blog. Help! Stop! Going for an ice cream and not blogging tomorrow. Decided. May be a tweet or two.

Anna x