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National curriculum ‘needs to be improved’

December 19, 2011

The national curriculum should be made more rigorous, according to one expert.

Nick Seaton, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, an initiative to press for higher standards and more parental choice in state education, suggested that the quality of teaching and the curriculum should be bettered before educational facilities begin thinking about applying for academy status.

"The curriculum needs to be improved and made more rigorous. Tell teachers what needs to be taught, give them the content and leave it to teachers to decide how to teach it," Mr Seaton said.

He added that Ofsted reports and league tables are beneficial for parents to see the progress of a school, but for new structure proposals to be effective, curriculums need to be revised.

The Anti Academies Alliance, a campaign composed of unions, parents, pupils, teachers, councillors and MPs, recently suggested that the change to academies is unnecessary and will only lead to more expenditure which could be used elsewhere.