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Exam boards ‘are too commercialised’

January 10, 2012

School exams are too commercial, according to one expert in the education sector.

John Wood, incoming chair of the Independent Schools Association, has said that the aggressive nature of commercialisation is undermining the integrity of schools across the country.

He added that he wants exam board to stop plugging textbooks and also bar teachers from running lessons so close to the questions often seen in exam transcripts.

"It cannot be right that exam boards are allowed to make money from textbooks and training seminars. This commercial activity needs to be more tightly regulated," Mr Wood commented.

According to the expert, new safeguards put in place by exam boards to prevent them from making money from commercial advertising through textbooks are insufficient.

Regulatory body Ofqual said it was looking in depth at the commercial activities of exam boards.

The watchdog recently announced that it was to update its GCSE exam formatting to keep a consistent approach to content of the papers.