AnnaMcKann Menu



April 25, 2012


22 June 2011 12:00AM



This morning woke up to birds singing, peacocks mewing and sun shine. I am visiting friends in rural Spain and should be feeling creative. Drrrrr can’t stop sneezing! Is this hay fever? I hope not. I grew out of that, years ago. Didn’t I? Maybe a Snickerdoodle and a coffee is just what I need. Awh! No Snickerdoodles in the fridge. So banana, crackers and yogurt it is. Healthy, at least!

It’s been another rollercoaster couple of weeks. Do I feel good? I think so, if I could stop sneezing. Besides, how is one expected to feel emerging from a whirlwind? Battered and bruised. Certainly dizzy and disorientated.  Now I need quiet time to reflect. So many decisions made and new projects started. My vision for the Chavos Brand grows. Exciting, but scary! Can’t reveal too much at the moment but 2012/2013 are going to be very interesting years.

I went to a conference recently and the speaker topic was creativity.  He said writers, artists, song writers/musicians and actors have the capacity to influence and change the world. Too true and often do. As do inventors of course. The world needs creative people and I want to develop my own creativity and write, write, write. Uhm! It’s never too old. Just need more time. A longer day perhaps! Less sleep maybe? Drrr…. What I do need is to get up and write stuff down when I wake up in the middle of the night with tons of ideas. I did it again last week. I woke up at about 3am with a head full of “creative thoughts,” and couldn’t be bothered to get out of bed. Soooo cosy! Next morning couldn’t remember a thing, but I just knew it was good. Blast!

When I go into schools I talk about creativity. Not as someone who has a degree from Oxford or Cambridge and is well qualified in creativity writing and performing arts, but as a visionary. Someone who has been through the university of life. What is qualified, anyway?

By the time I leave the kids are all buzzing with ideas. Yes there are some great teachers out there but kids just love to listen to someone speaking from their own experiences. My story of how I went to Mexico City in search of truth in 2003, is packed with interesting anecdotes, trials and adventures. Some think foolish. Others think brave. Neither! I just knew I had to go. It was my spiritual journey and I believe I found my destiny. That’s a long story. Think I feel a book coming on. Perhaps I’ll write it one day.

Meanwhile! Looks like I’m off to the chemist for some magical “stop sneezing powder.” So I’ll leave you with this thought. Have you got hidden talents that you have yet to discover? Find that creative power that’s hidden within and develop it. Write a song. Write a short story. Join a drama group or paint a picture. You might just amaze yourself!

Have a nice day.

Anna x