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Butler & Gracie

July 23, 2012

What a fabulous weekend after all that rain. It’s only a few weeks ago that the UK was proclaiming a serious water shortage and since then it has never stopped raining. Seriously, if you are reading this and don’t live in the UK, I have never known so much rain and so many flood alerts in so short a time. Having just returned from Mexico, I was there during the rainy season and it pelted down every day except one – the day we were filming on the streets – how lucky was that! So why am I rambling on about rain, because this weekend the sun shone and it was heavenly?

I was out early both mornings with Butler and Gracie, extendable lead and poo bags in hand. We met all the other dog walkers, cyclists and joggers, who clearly had the same idea as me. This was one weekend to be up and about. I suppose I am fortunate as I can boast about living in a picturesque little Yorkshire village where there are plenty of pleasant walks. What infuriates me is that I pick up Butler and Gracie’s parcels and so many other folk just leave them, in spite of the fact that there are notices everywhere that allowing dogs to poo and not clearing it up, can lead to a fine of £1000.

S-o-o-o what about the stinking heaps of horse *^%^ that I regularly have to avoid? And why do I have to battle with Butler and Gracie who try to make a nose dive for it and seem to be under the impression that it has been deposited just for them. Ergh, disgusting! Why are my dogs attracted to this horrible stuff and can we make a new law that our horse-riders also have to clean up their *^%^ or they will get a £1000 fine as well?  P-l-e-a-s-e.

Dog *^%^ on your children’s shoes…not nice.  Pony *^%^ on the wheels of your car, leaves me speechless. I decided to Google the law about pooing in public places…animals of course not human beings! Apparently horse poo is not considered to be a problem because it is organic, de-composes naturally and is not a health risk unlike dog poo. Do I believe that? No!

Did you meet Butler and Gracie? If not check out my Facebook fan page and I will put some photos on there this week. Anna McKann Author. While you’re there click on like…p-l-e-a-s-e. I want 1000 likes by Christmas. Is that possible? Thinking big!!!!!!!!

Anyway, Butler and Gracie are bonkers! There’s never a dull moment in my house. Uhm! Think I feel a children’s book coming on – The adventures of……..

Have a nice week.
