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All our tomorrows

February 17, 2014

No-one knows what tomorrow will bring, in fact tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us, but we must carry on with hopes and expectations. Indeed without vision we will surely perish. Who said that? I challenge you to find out…

In many ways it’s been a sad beginning to the year as we hear yet again about the disasters and tragic accidents throughout the world. I think the incident which impacted me most recently was the taxi driver killed last Friday in central London, when part of a building collapsed during a windstorm. She was parked in the wrong place at the wrong time, a 49-year-old woman with three sons. Sad!

Well, ‘Battered Britain’ as the media have kept proclaiming has had it rough lately. A few times I thought my windows were going to blow in, though thankfully there’s no danger of flooding where I live. It seems that these changes in weather patterns are affecting many and whilst much of Europe has been subject to flooding other parts of the world contend with snow-drifts and intense heat waves.

Actually, Britain still has nothing to complain about, as a few hundred people leave their flooded homes whilst in Indonesia for example, a powerful volcanic eruption made it necessary to evacuate 200.000 homes.

I chose to read Ecclesiastes at the weekend and I was thinking about the words, ‘For in much wisdom is much grief.  And he who increases in knowledge increases in sorrow.’  (Ecclesiastes 1.18)

How true is that? Those people – and I know many – who choose to ignore the news and don’t have a clue about what’s happening in the rest of the world are probably happier for it. What do they say? What you don’t know can’t hurt you.’ Too true!

Meanwhile, whatever is happening around you the show must go on.  Indeed business doesn’t stop.

Moving on and forward planning I’m looking forward to my first exhibition at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October this year and Book Expo in New York in May of 2015.BgbeI8aCUAAvfuJ It sounds a long way off but if you’re going to do a job do it properly and I intend the exhibits to be excellent.

So say no more, lots of work to do.

Chat soon and take care
