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A Secret Garden

August 19, 2014


I don’t know about you but recently it’s been hard to concentrate on what I’m supposed to be doing, with world affairs swimming around my head leaving me with the negative thought pattern of where is all this leading? Switch on the news these days and there is nothing but doom and gloom and the discussion in the office becomes what kind of a future is there for our children and grandchildren? I suppose those words were uttered all too often 100 hundred years ago when world war broke out and since then they said man had learned his lessons and that would never happen again. Hum!
Did you know with all eyes on Iraq, Syria Gaza and Israel there are actually 10 wars going on in the world today, we just don’t seem to hear as much about the other 7.

Anyway, enough about that most of us have a job to do, life goes on and we need to focus on our own lives.
I wanted to show this photo of a garden where I spent the most lovely relaxing afternoon recently.



I was attending a conference in Scotland and had some chill out time in between meetings. Thinking about life and how we handle things I likened the gap in the wall to one of those times in life when we are faced with something challenging such as when we come to a crossroads and decisions have to be made. Perhaps we are faced with an offer, a door of opportunity looms before us and we spend too long procrastinating and then miss it, or simply don’t rise to the challenge.
The words that come to mind are faith-courage-determination- guts-endurance and focus. Are we willing to step out of our comfort zone and leave the garden where we feel safe and secure where all is visible, and step into the unknown? That new business venture, opportunity or perhaps a complete life style that is beckoning us.
Could it cost us money, our friends relationships, time and more. But the fact is that you never know unless you step out.
I hate to hear those ‘what ifs’ in life. What if I had done this, what if I had done that?
So my message today for myself as well as anyone else who just so happens to read this blog is;
If you look carefully at the picture you will see once you step into the garden on the far side there is another small door. Now no-one is saying it is going to be easy but this could be the door to your destiny. The life that you are meant to have not the one you have now! I believe most people don’t ever become what they were born to be because FEAR holds them back. You have to be willing to step out from the comfortable to be in the uncomfortable to reach a higher place of comfortable. Read that again!

So are you going to step into that secret garden where you may just be surprised what you find in there or, stay in your comfort zone and miss it.
Your choice!
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