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A New Season

October 16, 2012

S-o-o- here I am in Spain and so far to date my time here has been most unusual. But first….The Chavos Ball;


What an amazing night. Clearly this function is going to just get better and better and already looking forward to the next one. I suppose the question is which will come next. Leeds once again or, London. Uhm!

 Well a huge thanks to those who made it special including as always our Mariachis, Suzi our Soprano and the Folkloric dancers. Thanks to the boys who sold raffle tickets all night until they finally ran out and to all the people who worked so hard to make it a great event. A big thank you to Amathus drinks for a fabulous tequila cocktail reception and what about my consort who looked very dashing. Let’s see if I can book him for the next event!

I was so pleased that both the Lord Mayor of Leeds and Lord Mayor of Wakefield were able to attend and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Both were women, so power to the girls. Love it!

 If you missed it this year I suggest you don’t miss the next one. Check out my facebook fan page as photos go on over the next week or so.

Can’t remember whether I kissed any frogs or not that night ‘cos I had a few tequilas and then dashed off to Spain soon after, and of course I’m still there. Let’s see what’s waiting for me when I get back to the UK but, I really needed this time out. God’s perfect timing, as they say.

 I know the Chavos Ball marked both the end of a season and the beginning of something new. With so many plans in the pipe-line and so many decisions to make, both personal and business. Not to mention books to get to the printers, people to see, places to go…..


I will tell you more about the ball, how much money we raised, what we are going to do with the money and what’s happening in Spain soon.


Luv and stuff
